We discussed how the Lao Friends Hospital for Children project was evolving and how the Lao government could help to achieve our goals. They were very enthusiastic and supportive, other organisations have built hospitals and left. The minister was happy that we were building, equipping, recruiting staff and training in order to establish a sustainable teaching hospital run by Laoatian health professionals and educators that will be handed back to the Lao government in 10 years time.
Sitting at the board room table I looked out the window and thought 'bugger, is this real, i couldn't have dreamt this" it's a cliche but sometimes you really do have to pinch yourself, I thought of Sasja and Andi and sitting in the kitchen laughing about my interview for GP training when I described my weakness as 'being a bit wishywashy'!
I was anxious about meeting the minister but made me feel comfortable and it was very easy to talk to him.
I was anxious about meeting the minister but made me feel comfortable and it was very easy to talk to him.
That was many years ago Michael, look what you've achieved!!!! (and not just meeting the Minister of Health from Laos!!) Still makes me laugh though ;)